Photo Credit: Seth Roffman

The Sustainable Santa Fe 25-Year Plan, approved by the City of Santa Fe Governing Body in 2018, established strategies for a thriving community where climate impacts are neutralized, natural resources are abundant and clean, and sustainable economic activity is generated through enhancing social equity and the regenerative capacity of the environment. The plan established 91 strategies to achieve carbon neutrality, improve quality of life and social equity, enhance ecological resilience, and strengthen the economy. It is a living document, fully intended to evolve as the proposed strategies are implemented, priorities shift, technology changes, and lessons are learned.

Sustainable Santa Fe 25-Year Plan Framework 

How was this plan developed?

A Long-Term, Living Strategy

To achieve carbon neutrality by 2040, Santa Fe is working on both short-term and long-term goals. Throughout this process, the City will engage with the community, track progress, and provide regular updates. Between now and 2040, the actions in the plan will inevitably need to evolve and change based on community needs and priorities. While the actions may change, however, our values and commitment to this journey will stay the same.

Four Core Themes of the Sustainable Santa Fe 25-Year Plan

How was this plan developed?

Four Core Themes

To build a more sustainable and resilient community, the plan focuses on four core themes: 

  • Carbon Neutrality 
  • Quality of Life and Social Equity
  • Ecological Resilience 
  • Economic Vitality

These themes are rooted in the Triple Bottom Line, which defines sustainability as: meeting a community’s environmental, economic, and social needs without compromising the needs of future generations. The goals and actions in the Sustainable Santa Fe Plan are aligned with these four themes.

How was this plan developed?

A Community Effort

The Sustainable Santa Fe 25-Year Plan was spearheaded by the Sustainable Santa Fe Commission. Members of the Commission, all Santa Fe residents, advised the City on programs, policies, and projects to improve the city’s environment and quality of life. Community engagement is a key part of developing and implementing the plan – a citizen committee, work groups, and forums were held to gain input – and will continue to be prioritized as Santa Fe updates the plan in the future.

Credit: Seth Roffman

LEED for Cities Gold Certification

Going Green and Earning Gold

The LEED for Cities certification report builds on the Sustainable Santa Fe Plan by outlining the progress of sustainability programs and opportunities to improve. In 2020, the City of Santa Fe was awarded LEED for Cities Gold Certification by the U.S. Green Building Council. LEED, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is the most widely used rating system in the world for sustainability achievement and leadership. 

 This certification recognizes the hard work of the people of Santa Fe, City of Santa Fe employees, businesses, and nonprofit organizations to make Santa Fe one of the best places in the world to live.

Connect With Us

Questions? Get in touch with sustainability staff in the City's Environmental Services Division.

Allison Long, Sustainability Coordinator

Neal Denton / Allison Long